
General Introduction

L&L-Leaven, Attorneys-at-Law ("L&L-Leaven") is a full-service legal platform in the Mainland of China, comprised of a team of attorneys and legal staff led by Mr. Jonathan Chan, Senior Counselor, Ms. Phoebe Hsu, Senior Counselor, Mr. Sean Xiao-Ming Li, Attorney-at-Law, and Ms. Ariel Chen, Attorney-at-Law. Every member of the L&L-Leaven legal team has received degrees from reputable law schools in China and abroad, and is fluent in English, Mandarin, and other Chinese dialects. The team includes attorneys qualified to practice PRC, Taiwan, and US laws. Our multicultural team has a wealth of expertise in major legal practice areas, enabling us to give to both domestic and international clients effective advice and solutions to their most complex issues and transactions.
